Contemporary History Podium

There are many questions in the air – and many will stay there if they do not become the subject of discussion. Vierteljahrshefte für Zeitgeschichte has sought to change this with its “Podium Zeitgeschichte.” Generally once a year, underlying problems in the field and current debates in contemporary history are discussed in a dialogical, international, and cross-media format, and are taken to the podium both figuratively and literally. Essays written by renowned historians introduce each edition; the authors then meet for discussion at a public event held at the Leibniz Institute for Contemporary History in Munich; the discussion is documented as a transcript with film excerpts on the VfZ website; and readers have the opportunity to take part in the discussion in the forum there as well.

Contemporary History Podium 2024: Contemporary History as a Task for the 21st Century. Themes, Concepts, Perspectives


Our seventh Contemporary History Podium is dedicated to what constitutes contemporary history as a field of research and as a subfield of historiography. Starting from Hans Rothfels’ groundbreaking reflections in the first article of Vierteljahrshefte für Zeitgeschichte, Julia Angster covers the topic “Contemporary History between National and Global History”, while Kiran Klaus Patel debates the question “The Contemporary History of Europe as Supranational History?” Subsequently Eckart Conze deals with an aspect which has almost been forgotten for quite some time, “War, Peace and Security as Research Perspectives for Contemporary History”, while Martin Rempe discusses the rewards as well as the risks of a contemporary history of globalisation. Finally, Frank Bösch draws attention to another topic closely connected to globalisation: “Contemporary History in the Digital Age”.


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