Vierteljahrshefte für Zeitgeschichte - Peer Reviewed Journal
The Vierteljahrshefte für Zeitgeschichte is among the historical journals with the richest tradition and highest circulation in Europe. Founded in 1953 by Hans Rothfels and Theodor Eschenburg, the VfZ quickly established itself as a forum for international research, and it continues to make vital contributions to the critical examination of National Socialism. The thematic spectrum has expanded, especially since the 1970s. Increasingly, along with the history of the Federal Republic of Germany and the GDR, research on the history of Europe in global contexts is coming into the focus of contemporary history.
The Vierteljahrshefte für Zeitgeschichte are a refereed journal. For quality control purposes, contributions as a rule run through a three step evaluation process. After review and assessment of the anonymised contributions by the editiorial staff, external domestic and foreign expertises are obtained (Double Blind Peer Review). On this basis and after thorough debate, the chief editors and editorial staff decide on publication. Editorial meetings take place three times per year - in spring, summer and autumn.
Translation by Sage Anderson