The IfZ Library supports an electronic loan system that was introduced in February 2016. Registered users are able to make use of the complete offerings of the library. Please register for this with the library information even if you have previously used the library. You will then receive a library card that enables you to order media via the catalog and to borrow the media for use in Reading Room 1 (reference library).
Orders are fulfilled each hour of the morning through 12 noon and from Monday through Thursday again at 3:30pm.
A self-service system is available in Reading Room 1 to check out materials on your account.
Please note: The library’s online catalog features an increasing number of archive materials (printed materials, newspapers) with the indications “Nicht oder nur mit Leihschein bestellbar” (“Not available for order or only available with a loan slip”) and “Archiv - Bitte einen Archivleihschein ausfüllen!” (“Archive – please fill out an archive loan slip”) next to the call number. These holdings can be accessed in accordance with the archive ordering and availability times.